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welcome to babexboxian haven

eating bees

hieee babexbox fans wlecome to my page read everything on every page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

site updates



hey guys what up i lowk forgot about
this site ummmmm yeah ill try and work on it again
but rn i don't have a computer! so ill
have to use my moms mac.... soooo...


i am going to work on this site again
i got bored of workinf on this sorry i will again :)


babexboxian hub is done (first page) :)
i will probably still add a couple of decorations and more blinkies tho


creation of this site. it is trash!

welcome to babexboxian haven...? this is mostly just a personal site for me, babexbox, but i want to share some of the stuff i'm working on on this site, specifically advanced botany, a yume nikki fangame im a co creator of (along with my best friend.) ill share my art on here and my general creations. as i was writing this a cockroach scurried across my floor and i jumped